If you have any extra, specific needs and requirements, our competent team will take them into account by providing the appropriate treatment of all surfaces.
- Laundry and dry cleaning
Upon your request we can organize your linen and towels washed and changed:
• Golden: We wash, dry and fold linen and towels. We will put a load of laundry into a washer, transfer it into a dryer, take it out of the dryer and fold it. Washer and dryer instructions and laundry detergent must be provided. Maximum 1 load of laundry will be completed.
• Silver: We wash linen and towels and transfer them into a dryer. Laundry will be left in the dryer. Washer and dryer instructions and laundry detergent must be provided.
• Laundry folded: We fold garments that have been washed and dried prior to our arrival.
• Additional Laundry: If laundry of various garments other than linen & towels is required, please call us to discuss how we can help.
- Kitchen and bathroom cabinets
Upon your request we can clean insides of your cabinets, closets and drawers.
- Fridge inside
Upon your request we can clean insides of your fridge(s).
- Oven inside
Upon your request we can clean insides of your oven.
- Walls washed
Upon your request we can wash your painted wall. This includes removal of marks on walls and baseboards.
- Window cleaning
Upon your request we can clean windows’ panes that face inside. This includes wiping blinds.